Selasa, 30 November 2010

Life is like Programming

var obj;
//First i must describe my variable life,
//describe each destination of my life

/*This function is used to onload my way and every memory of my life
//onload the behaviour for Allah

function onload(){
    obj = parent.window.dialogArguments;
    document.getElementById("idIman").value = getStartFromRightNow();
    document.getElementById("idIslam").value = setKeepIstiqomah();
    document.getElementById("idIhsan").value = setAlwaysAndAlways();

/*When i click my button of life,
//it means i already to call all of my function life,
//life always have functions rite? ^^

document.getElementById("btnSaveMyLife").onclick = function (){

//i already to call the function
//we should be already in every single day rite? @_@"

function saveMyLife(){
    var dsid, objXml, strXml;
    dsid = "DATABASE_HIDUPKU";
    //Eittsss...I have d'database, dont forget to put my pray and personality tobe better and better
    objXml = getXMLDOM();
    strXml =  Get_DataSchemeXML(dsid,document.getElementById("idIbadah").value,"","","",true);
    controlToXML (document,objXml);
    strXml = objXml.xml;
    parent.window.returnValue = obj;
    alert("Save Success!!"); //Amiinnn....Ya Rabb

//Go..Go..cancel the BAD CHARACTER, dont disturb the good database, Bismillah
document.getElementById("idBtnCancel").onclick = function (){
    alert("are u sure u want to cancel??"); //Yess..Yess

Alert Error at all line,
ur programme is so so so bad!!!!!!
Do Better!!!!

Kalo nemu error ini, itu artinya codingan kita masih kacau balau, hiruk pikuk, pecah belah, bin amburadul..
Ayoo, perbaiki syntaks2 hidup..biar program nya SUCCESS!!
No BUG !!, and No Error !!!


Ps: Ditengah2 kebingungan bersama js =_=" --> makanan apaaaa ini..

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